Although the studies regarding the long-term effects of psychoanalytic psychotherapy had various results, between 60% and 90% of the patients have mentioned that the therapy had a profound effect and change and they feel a lot better.
In most cases (over 90%) in which the psychoanalytic therapy had results, the patients reported that after finishing the therapy they have continued to feel an improvement in the next years; this extended effect being an advantage of the psychonalytic psychotherapy over the other forms of therapies.
Comparing with other types of therapies, it seems that the simptoms have a lower rate of recurrence, although the research results are inconclusive. In the case of short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy the results are similar with the ones of cognitive-behavioral therapy, or better in the case of panic disorder attacks.
There are difficulties in the results evaluation for the different types of therapies. These are caused by the difficulty of evaluating the level of change ( i.e. how good is the social integration of an autist after finishing the treatment) or the stability of change ( i.e. how often the depression reappears, if it's recurring after finishing the therapy). That's why the existent studies had different results regardless the size of the sample.
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
Psychoanalytic Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder